"Funny Bags Ruin a Good Thing"?
Karl Lagerfeld understands what a 'Chanel' woman wants - classic elegance with a few touches of modern feminism thrown in for fun. Now 'fun' in fashion is something Mr. Lagerfeld indulges in quite often. Take the Chanel Spring 2009 collection for instance. Lagerfeld keeps the line crisp, clean and accessorized with everything you've come to expect from Coco Chanel. So where does Lagerfeld's sense of humor make a statement? Well, unfortunately, it rears its' ugly head with ridiculous "shopping bag" bags that are meant to poke fun at the more serious Chanel handbag collector. Are we laughing, ladies? I know I'm not.
I suppose Lagerfeld is trying to make a point. The point being that a die-hard Chanel collector would pay big bucks even for a shopping bag if said bag was peddled by Chanel. There are some women who fit that stereotype - the ones that buy every Chanel bag no matter how hideous they might be for the sake of saying "I own every Chanel bag ever made".
This is not to say that the spring line is completely lacking great Chanel bags. On the contrary, there are gorgeous fabric and leather flap bags that will pull at every Chanel lover's heartstrings. All I'm saying is that bags like these which are clearly made for humor, should remain runway accessories and not put up for sale. But, I know some poor woman will want to buy one just to add to her collection.
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